About Us
Communication Property Services was founded by Chris Stratton in response to the demand for advice on property related issues within the telecommunication industry. Having worked for over two decades on such matters, it is clear that the industry has developed an approach based on Projects – each Project is created and provided with a budget to meet specific deployment targets. This most often translates into defined tasks for property professionals to deliver.
Communication Property Services takes a different approach. We seek to understand Clients’ objectives, including identifying the consequences on any particular task, on the longer-term property interests. The constant values on which the company is founded are: -
Our first interests are our Clients’ best interests;
Ethical & professional standards;
Providing practical solutions
Focusing on objectives develops a ‘right-first-time’ outcome, saving abortive or repetitive tasks, keeping better alignment with budgets and Project programmes – ‘On time and on budget’.
Chris Stratton has worked on a variety of projects and bids for Operators, from 3G roll-out, through transmission network design, the Emergency Service Mobile Communication Project, a complete network transmission replacement programme to 4/5G transmission upgrades, E Band Transmission deployment and RAN swap-out/sharing projects.
Chris created an estate management system, monitoring rental and business rate payments, reviewing rents and licence fees, renewing agreements when necessary and managing equipment levels accordingly. This work also included devising and implementing planned inspection and maintenance work, as well as responding to particular site issues and an emergency response.
In support of the Dept. Culture, Media and Sport’s Barrier Busting Workshops, Chris prepared a paper on telecom site design, outlining issues crucial to both Operators and Site Providers and providing recommendations for practical changes in approach and systems that are expected to make a real difference to equipment deployment and is expected to be adopted by OFCOM in a review of their Code of Best Practice.
He has supported health & safety in telecoms initiatives, including speaking at the RICS Annual Telecom Conference in 2018. Responsible for implementing and developing a Quality Assurance system for over 10 years, Chris is familiar with the concepts of continuous improvement and the need to identify and measure key performance indicators.
Chris was an intrinsic part of the team responding to invitations to tender and bid for a number of contracts, many relating to national network deployments, in one case up to the value of £20 million.
He has been responsible for a 24/7 NOC, monitoring and managing over 8,000 microwave transmission links, has experience in managing people, transmission technology and remote management systems.
Having seen successes and learned from failures over 26 years in the industry, based on his experience from major Projects to individual sites, Chris is well placed to assist others in budgeting, bidding for and implementing telecom deployment projects.